About Us
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About Us


Pioneering the fusion of front-line professional practices in conservation, architecture and design.

Our aim is to enrich environments by means of creative design solutions and by salvaging the authenticity and historicity of our rich past through the aid of ethically analytical and contemporary approaches. We strive to provide our clients with holistic and multidisciplinary expertise in both traditional skills and advanced technologies.


    • Conservation and restoration treatments of cultural heritage objects and objects d’art  including books, canvas paintings, ceramics, coins, furniture, gilt wood, maps, marquetry, medals, panel paintings, polychrome wood, scagliola decoration, sculptures, silverware, stucco decoration, upholstering
    • Condition assessment and conservation auditing of cultural heritage objects and buildings
    • Wood construction and conservation technology
    • Combat procedures against infestations by destroying insects and decay fungi
    • Consolidation, reinforcement and stabilisation of decorated and non-decorated surfaces and materials
    • Custom made hand crafted wooden stretcher frames for canvas paintings
    • Historic interiors conservation and design
    • Restoration method statements (RMS)
    • Documentation, surveying and recording
    • Consultation


    • Architectural design
    • Architectural services
    • Structural engineering
    • Buildings conservation
    • Wood construction and conservation technology
    • Restoration method statements (RMS)
    • Landscaping
    • Interior design
    • Land surveying
    • Quantity surveying
    • Property valuations and assessments
    • Project management
    • Energy performance certification (EPC) for domestic and commercial buildings
    • Consultation


    • Architectural design
    • Interior design
    • Historic interiors conservation and design
    • Exhibition and museum design
    • Landscape design
    • Lighting design
    • Consultation


Current distribution of our diverse portfolio of projects

The synergy between professionals leads to unique collaborations and the achievement of high standards.

Conservation of objet d’art0%
Architectural Conservation0%
Architectural Design0%
Interior Design 0%
Landscape Architecture0%



Perit Daphne Marie Fenech graduated as Bachelor of Architecture and Civil Engineering (Hons.) in 2006 from the University of Malta gaining her warrant in 2008. She obtained her Masters Degree in Conservation Technology of Masonry Buildings in November 2014. Perit Fenech served as a board member on the Valletta Rehabilitation Projects Committee from 2011 to 2013. She attended an international course on wood conservation technology in Oslo in 2014. This helped her develop a special interest in the conservation of timber structures and paved the path to the launch of a new venture as co founder of the partnership CREAID, launched in 2015. Perit Fenech also serves as a part time lecturer at MCAST, teaching cleaning techniques, quantity surveying and material science to diploma students. She is also a certified Energy Assessor for both domestic and commercial properties.


Founding Partner, Architect and Civil Engineer, Conservation Architect
+356 79092883

Josef Aquilina specialised in wood conservation with a degree conferred by the Istituto per il restauro ligneo – Citta` di Piacenza, Italy. He furthered his education at the NTNU and has followed various specialisation courses both locally and abroad. As a freelance conservator-restorer he had the opportunity to conduct works in St John's Co-Cathedral and the Palace of the Grandmasters' in Valletta, and has collaborated with several foreign institutions and firms. He served as Conservation Co-ordinator at the Rehabilitation Projects Office between 2007 and 2012 after which he joined Heritage Malta’s Conservation Division, setting up its new Wood Conservation Unit in 2014. He also serves as a casual lecturer at the University of Malta since 2014. Mr Aquilina is co-founder of the partnership CREAID, launched in 2015, which undertakes projects related to conservation, architecture and design.


Founding Partner, Conservator-Restorer
+356 99857986